Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall Fun!

Nothing brightens my day like a surprise when I get to work!

One of my students from last year surprised me with these flowers today!  It is a great feeling to know your students still think of you, even when they are no longer in your class.  To top it off, my boss made fresh cinnamon rolls this morning to share with the staff!

Sorry I didn't get to post last week.  We were busy learning all about fall!  To kick off the fall season, we made a class book about what we like to do in the fall.

The kids sounded out their words and told me what letters to write.  I started by letting them write, but I realized that they were going to run out of space since they write larger than me (understandable since they haven't had as much practice!)  They practiced reading their sentences too.  The second day I gave each child their sentence to cut apart.

 I like to make pumpkin pie in the fall.

 I like to dress up in the fall.

I like to celebrate Thanksgiving in the fall.

 They put the sentence back together again and glued it onto construction paper before creating a beautiful illustration.

I modified the assignment for the first graders by having them write their own sentences.  They still cut them apart and illustrated them the same way though.

I like to make apple pie in the fall.  I like to jump in the leaves in fall.

The last day I made them into a book and read it to the class.    The kids were so excited to see their work in a book!  I will be doing many more of these throughout the year.  If you have done any class books in your classroom that turned out well let me know.  I am always looking for new ideas!

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