Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Starting school with the 5 Senses!

Okay, so we didn't officially start school with the senses, we studied it during the second week.  In all fairness, the teachers out there know that the first week of school is reserved for dealing with criers, runners, whiners, and kids that generally have no idea what they are supposed to be doing.  Once we got all of that under our belts, we were ready to begin!

I tried to do some different activities with the five senses this year so that my first graders (who I had last year for kindergarten) were not bored from the repetition.  Plus, the more ways they learn the material the better!  I have a little book series written by Sharon Gordon.  There is a book for each sense.  I read these throughout the week.

For the sense of taste we had a taste test.  The kiddos loved this!  I gave them something salty, something sweet and something sour.  They had to taste them and decide which category each fell into.

Almost everyone sorted them correctly.  Next, they had to complete a tasting sheet.  We used the top row to record the foods we tasted, and then they had to come up with one other food that fit each category.  The first graders had to label theirs while I walked around and labeled the pictures for the kindergarteners.  Thanks to www.mrswillskindergarten.com for this handout.

lollipop, soy sauce, lemon

candy, lox, apple

We did some journal writing for the sense of smell.  This was the first time the kiddos got to use their new notebooks, so they were pretty pumped!  We brainstormed good and bad smells earlier in the day.  I showed them how to make a t-chart and then they drew things that smell good and things that smell bad.  

As you can see, some students wrote words, while others did pictures that I labeled.  Still others wrote the letter the object begins with.  This activity is easily adjusted for different ability levels.

To wrap up the week, I had the kiddos complete a senses assessment.  They all did very well.  They were required to draw two objects that can be experienced using each sense.  I am not sure where this handout came from but it is great!  If it belongs to you let me know so I can give you credit!

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