Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Moms! Moms! Moms!

We all love our moms and my students are no different!  In honor of Mother's Day, they created books for their moms last week.  We worked on them all week.  It was a great way to get them excited about writing! Although, I have to say I am pretty blessed in that regard.  My students have been coming to school with glitter covered journals for months now, with no mention of it from me.  I don't know what gave them the idea.  It is like they suddenly realized they could sound out words and write down what they were thinking, and they wanted to do it all the time.  My little writers!

The Mother's Day books were a hit with the moms.  This wasn't a surprise to me since I found them adorable myself and they aren't even my children.  The things kids come up with are hilarious.  They have no filter and are just beginning to grasp the concepts of time, so I think you will find some of these excerpts amusing as well :)

Her mom is nowhere near 72 years old!  

Sounds like someone doesn't like to do chores.

"My mom does not like loud noises."  I like the way she drew the noise in this picture.

"My mom does not like when my brother punches me."

"My mom likes to eat vegetables with pepper and oil."  She did a great job sounding out vegetables if you think about how it sounds.

I love that she included speech bubbles of her complaining and her mom telling her to stop whining.
I had one mom tell me that she doesn't like to watch baseball, it is just that baseball or cartoons are always on at their house.  I bet I can guess who picks the channels.

"My mom likes to wear red shoes and a blue shirt and skirt."  I love the way she decided to trace the color words with crayon.
They drew a portrait of their mom and used it as the cover for their book.
The books turned out beautifully, but I can't take all the credit for the idea.  I got the "All About Mom" template from Miss Nelson.  I cannot recall where I got the other book pages.  If you made them let me know and I will gladly give you credit!  Sorry!  They are great!

Happy (belated) Mother's Day to all the moms out there!!

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