Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wishing for sunshine, so we can see shadows

I decided that this would be a good week to teach shadows.  You know, with Groundhog Day coming up and all.  I thought maybe the kids should know what a shadow is before we start guessing whether or not the groundhog will see his.  Unfortunately, this was not to be (not outside at least).

Here in sunny California, the weather decided to change the week I am teaching shadows :(  It has been sunny everyday for almost an entire month, as evidenced by the weather graph we color in each day.

Two of those cloudy days were recorded this week, and there is no end in sight.  It is supposed to be rainy and cloudy the rest of the week.

I guess I shouldn't complain.  Half of the country is freezing and here in California we are having a drought.  We NEED the rain!  I guess I will resort to doing all of the shadow lessons inside until the sun reveals itself.

In preparation, I had the kiddos bring in flashlights from home.  Now we can create our own shadows to our hearts' delight!  I will come back after we have done some activities so you can see for yourself.

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