Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tom Turkeys and the Mayflower

Merry Christmas!

Oh wait, I guess I am a little early :)  I was able to take a little break this past week to go and visit family in Miami.  While there, we took full advantage of the family time and put up a massive Christmas tree.  In case you were wondering, it took the entire day, but it was well worth it because it is gorgeous!

Ok, back to reality.  It is still November.  It is time to study Thanksgiving and turkeys, not Christmas.

While I was away, my boss was nice enough to teach my class.  She made some cute crafts with them to help decorate the school.  Take a look!

Indian corn made with a paper corn cutout and tissue paper

Colorful paper plate turkeys in the school's front window
I got this idea from Pinterest.  
Head on over to Happy Home Fairy for the full details on how to make it.

Origami turkey--the kids actually did this with the art teacher, so I have no idea how to make them.  Sorry!

Every November I give my kids a Tom Turkey project for homework.  They have a week to work on it and then they bring it back to school to share with the class.  I send home a turkey outline and the letter below.

I hung all of the turkeys on the bulletin board.  Can you guess what their disguises are?

It isn't all just fun and turkeys in November though.  We also study the first Thanksgiving, and learn about the Pilgrims and Indians.

We have been learning a lot about the Pilgrims and the Mayflower this week.  After reading about the Mayflower, we discussed the things we might need if we went on such a journey.  I gave each of the kiddos a suitcase, and told them to "pack it" with the items they would bring on the Mayflower.  They cut out the white paper and glued it inside the suitcase.    

They had to draw the items they would pack and then list them or write sentences to tell what they brought.

This is what she wrote: water, apple, carrot, skirt, pants, shirt, bottoms, a stuffed animal, my horsey blanket smells so good
 She didn't write the word, but she told me that the purple, red, and pink items towards the left are underwear.  She said she needed to make sure she always had a clean pair.  Smart thinking!  None of the other kids "packed" any underwear at all!

water and carrot and pumpkins and a hat and pants and shirt
 She worked so hard sounding out the words!  I didn't have the heart to tell her that pumpkins are going to make her suitcase too heavy.

I was very proud of them.  Not a single one of them suggested bringing an iPad, video game, or phone on the Mayflower.  They only "packed" necessities: food, water, clothes, etc.  

You may think all kids catch on quick and realize that electronics weren't around back then, but I have had kids in the past try to pack tvs in their suitcases for the Mayflower!  I didn't tell them they wouldn't get any channels out at sea!

If you want the suitcase printable for this activity you can head over to my TpT store.  There are also other fun writing activities included in the packet.

Scholastic is another great resource for Thanksgiving.  They have videos and slideshows about the Mayflower, Pilgrims, and Wampanoag Indians, that you can show your kiddos.  This is an awesome resource if you have a Smartboard or projector in your classroom!

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